Imagine, Draw, Paint and Create
Max Events Dubai presents ” THE RAMADAN ARTS & CRAFT”, an online event for Kids in the United Arab Emirates, thus enriching their Islamic cultural heritage through ART. We are creating an opportunity for KIDS to showcase their passion for Arts and Craft.
The contest is of the simplest form. No Judges to judge who does the best. Every vote would count. So what we mean here is pretty simple.
CREATE – The parents can guide the kids in creating any Art and Craftwork related to the theme of RAMADAN 2020
RECORD – Record a video and let our younger generation speak out a message to the WORLD
SUBMIT – Make an entry by sharing us your video
Example:- “STAY SAFE! STAY HOME! The Lamp I created symbolizes Hope for the future… ” Yes, we would certainly want to see a connection between the Art or Craftwork and the Message to the WORLD.
So to win cash prizes, let’s get started without wasting time.
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Reflect the culture and spirit of Ramadan with your skills and showcase the artist in you.
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#enoughtime #lovetime #nobusyschedules #stayathome #workfromhome #covid19moments # #Ramadannights #Ramadan2020 #Ramadantimes #artsandcraft #maxeventsdubai
[dt_fancy_title title=”AED 50/- per child” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”custom” separator_style=”disabled” separator_color=”accent” custom_title_color=”#000000″]- Record your video as per the video format
- Proceed to Registration Form and fill in the required details
- Share with us the WeTransfer link on the field provided
- Once approved you will receive an email confirmation.
- Proceed to the Contest gallery view your video entry
- Click on the vote button to vote
- Click on the Facebook icon to share on your Facebook timeline. Include #stayathome #artsandcraft #maxeventsdubai when sharing.
The more you share, the more you receive votes, thats all you require to Win this contest
What will the Winner receive?
Prize Money:
Is there a Participation Fee?
Yes, A participation fee of AED 50 (5% Vat Inclusive) is required.
What is the Video Content Format ?
- Introduction of the Subject of your Art and craft and it’s relation to ramadan.
- Mention contest name (Ramadan-Arts and Craft Contest by Max Events Dubai)
- Your Video should explain the whole process of your creation.
What is the Video Entry Requirement?
- Maximum of 10mins
- File should be uploaded on WeTransfer
- File format – *.mp4, *.mpeg, *.mov
What is the criteria to Participate?
- Age criteria 6 years old to 9 years old, 10 years old to 13 years old.
- Proof of Identity – Emirates ID
- A Picture of the contestant
Contest Guidelines
- The contest will run from April 25, 2020, to May 25, 2020
- Participation fee – AED 50/-
- Video entry will be approved upon payment confirmation and once received.
- The Proposal video should take no longer than 10mins.
- Videos should be uploaded via WeTransfer – File format – *.mp4, *.mpeg, *.mov
- Provide a WeTransfer link on the online submission form.
- Video entry will be uploaded on the Max Events Dubai’s YouTube Page and on the Max Events Dubai website.
- Include #stayathome #ramadan2020 #artsandcrafts #maxeventsdubai when sharing the video link on your social media platforms.
- The video entry which has the most votes will win the contest.
- The votes will be closely monitored by our systems and any foul play will be notified to the contestant with a warning. If such activity persists, video entry will be disqualified.
- The preferred language is English.
Are you in??
- Refund Policy – Once the Video submitted is online and on the Website Gallery of the Contest, any amount paid is non-refundable.
- Mode of Payment done via online bank transfer.
Bank Name: Emirates NBD
Account Name: Max Entertainment and Events Management LLC
Account Number: 1014700600301
IBAN: AE600260001014700600301
Swift Code: EBILAEAD
Address: Office 512, Churchill Exe- Towers, Business Bay, P.O. Box 112907, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Official Tax Invoice will be issued upon submission of the form/entry.
- Official Receipt will be issued once payment is received.
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Terms and Conditions
- The contestant agrees to pay the participation fee of AED 50/-
- In the event where the contestant wants to withdraw their entry, the contestant agrees that the amount paid is non-refundable.
- The Contestant agrees the video entry will be approved upon payment confirmation and once received.
- The Contestant agrees the video entry will be uploaded on the Max Events Dubai’s YouTube page and on the Max Events Dubai website as written on the Private Policy Terms.
- The Contestant agrees the video entry which has the most votes will win the contest. The votes will be closely monitored by our systems and any foul play will be notified to the contestant with a warning. If such activity persists, video entry will be disqualified.
For parents with kids participating who are under 18 years old:
Parent/Guardian hereby agrees with the terms and conditions as mentioned below:
- In connection with and consideration of parents’ child’s participation in the Ramadan Arts and Craft Contest and related activities, parent hereby represents and agree as follows:
- Parents understand that his/her child will be a participant in RAMADAN ARTS AND CRAFTS and related activities, and hereby give permission for him/her to serve in that capacity.
- Parent grant full rights to Max Events Dubai, to use the images/videos resulting from the Video Uploaded for RAMADAN ARTS AND CRAFTS, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images/videos for, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the Event aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, website uploads, and press releases.